Family First Toolkit Part 3: Evaluating & Improving Quality
This initial set of tools serves as a foundation for developing continuous quality improvement processes to effectively measure and monitor the ongoing implementation and effectiveness of Family First prevention services. These tools focus on identifying and collecting the necessary data for Family First CQI and provide guidance to help jurisdictions build the infrastructure for a CQI process that identifies gaps in performance, explores underlying conditions, and promotes solutions. This section, Evaluating and Improving Quality, will be updated periodically to include additional and refined guidance and tools for using data and evidence gathered through implementing the measurement framework in a CQI process. Part 1 of the toolkit focuses on Planning and Readiness. Tools in Part 2 align with Implementation and Change Management.
Develop Continuous Improvement Processes
Data Measurement Common Terms: This resource serves as a glossary of key terms associated with performance measurement in continuous quality improvement efforts.
Measurement Framework for Implementing and Evaluating Preventive Services: This tool suggests various measures and domains that jurisdictions can use to assess capacity, reach, fidelity, and outcomes related to child welfare preventive services, including Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) and those related to Family First.
Sample Size Calculator: This calculator provides guidance and options for informing decisions about case review sample sizes to understand the fidelity and quality of practice with children and families.
Family First Reporting Requirements, Codebook, and Crosswalk: Based on guidance issued by the federal Children’s Bureau, this document summarizes some of the key reporting requirements that Title IV-E agencies must follow when reporting data on children receiving Title IV-E prevention services.
For more information about these tools or to work with us to implement Family First, email us at